domingo, 27 de setembro de 2015

The monetization of love

Love is now a coin, power
It is not a feeling anymore
It is a stock in the market of life
A buy and sell interaction at the frivolity  on to which  society has told us to act upon
It is to buy on the instance of pleasure and fast enrichment of the passion
And to sell on the first hardship it encounters though as little as it may be
Love is no longer something to build
It is now a product, pre-made, microwave ready
Consume and throw it away
The beauty of building is lost
Maybe that is why the value of things hand made is so low compared to that of  mass production
We have lost the ability to built things by ourselves
But love
Love is nature
And if nature can crack the cement poured on top of it
Then Love
Love can certainly tip this monopolized market of fast satisfaction
For the price to pay upon its failure would strip us of what makes us human
Our kindness